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Training CSRD en ontwikkelingen AMLA/AMLR

Vera Moll van KPMG neemt ons mee in de ontwikkeling van een business case om te komen tot een Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Vervolgens gaat Melissa van den Broek in op de ontwikkelingen rondom AMLA/AMLR.

Target audience: HQ MD's

€ 450,- ex VAT for members
27 maart 2025
14.00 - 18.00 CET followed by drinks
4 PE-points
Vera Moll en Melissa van den Broek
KPMG, Laan van Langerhuize 1, 1186 DS Amstelveen

Volgens de richtlijn van de Europese Unie zijn bedrijven verplicht transparant te rapporteren over duurzaamheid en maatschappelijke impact.


In this MD-session, we will take a deep dive into crypto, stablecoins, regulation and everything in between. This session will involve:

  • Introduction to crypto assets
  • Introduction to blockchain technology and why it makes reconciliation absolute
  • Stablecoins: USD/EUR-pegged crypto’s
  • International settlements with crypto’s
  • The Digital Euro
  • Tokenization
  • Threats in the digital era
  • Outlook

We’ll go into why all banks will become Crypto Asset Service Providers (CASP’s), what the traditional financial sector can learn from CASP’s and where the future of money is headed.


Blockchain and crypto assets are here to stay and will become an even greater part of our financial future. Blockchain and crypto assets are particularly relevant for the trust sector because their design is global and borderless by nature. Moreover, it can enhance transparency, security, and efficiency. Blockchain’s immutable ledger offers unparalleled transparency, crucial for building client trust and ensuring compliance. Its robust security features significantly reduce fraud risk, while smart contracts automate processes, cutting administrative costs and errors.

Adopting these technologies not only ensures regulatory compliance, but also provides a competitive edge, allowing trust companies to innovate and tap into new markets and customer segments. Embracing blockchain and cryptocurrency is essential for staying ahead in the evolving financial landscape.

About Maarten

Maarten de Borst is a strategy consultant at Numbers, a boutique technology consulting firm in Amsterdam. He's the author of three books, a public speaker and technology advisor to the Amsterdam Police and Public Prosecutors office. Maarten has a background in economics and finance.

  • Trainers: Maud Bökkerink & Karin van Beekum
  • Transaction monitoring, Supervision by DNB, Theme investigations, Review by DNB, Relationship to taxation.
  • Knowledge: What are the important issues regarding transaction monitoring. What are the consequences of reporting and not reporting.
  • Practice: How to determine whether a transaction needs to be reported. What to do and how to react in case of investigation by the (testing) policy makers.
  • Trainer: Carla van den Berg
  • Definition of profit, Participation Exemption, Interest deduction, Loss compensation, Fiscal Unity, CFC Legislation, Dividend Withholding Tax.
  • Learning objective: What tax rules and regulations are relevant to trust companies? Practice: How to comply with these rules.
  • Trainer: Carla van den Berg
  • Application Tax Treaties, Substance, European Taxation, Anti-Tax Avoidance, MLI, BEPS, Tax Authorities.
  • Learning objective: What international laws and regulations are important for trust offices?
  • Practice: Awareness of the international playing field.
  • Trainer: Ben Arends
  • Civil liability, Directors' tax liability, The most common liabilities, Relevant liability risks, Criminal consequences, Methods to arm yourself, Recent case law, literature and state of the law.
  • Knowledge: What kind of liabilities are relevant. How can these liabilities occur.
  • Practice: How to mitigate these liabilities.
  • Trainer: Margreet Haandrikman
  • Integrity, Meaning individual, Core values organization, Characteristics of organization with integrity: risks and opportunities, Professional responsibility, Thinking and acting ethically, Dilemma analysis, Justifying decision: values and arguments.
  • Learning objective: Why ethics is especially important for trust offices.
  • Practice: How to comply with (the) rules despite the fact that they are not always written down.
  • Trainer: Nienke ten Bruggencate
    How to prepare, review or audit financial statements, How to keep proper records, Transparent reporting, Risks in practice.
  • Learning objective: Important rules and regulations related to filing the annual financial report.
  • Practice: What red flags there are and how to detect them.
  • MS Teams ONLINE  – 3Masters Opleidingen
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28 PE-points


Training CSRD - Ontwikkelingen AMLA/AMLR


27 maart 2025

4 PE-points

Laan van Langerhuize 1
1186 DS Amstelveen

Trends in European & Dutch Tax Law (DAC9/Pillar II)

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9 april 2024

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